Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Million and a Half Reasons Why I Should Write for Marvel.

It goes without saying that I pretend to be able to write. I smash my head onto a keyboard until the gooey bits spill out of my skull, cohering into a wonderful concotion of awesome that will be tasty to your eyeballls. In my ill-advised time thinking about super-heroes, I've got a crap ton of ideas flowing through my brain from an unhealthy time thinking about Marvel comics. I'm currently "working" (LOLz) on a proposal that will contain most of my ideas that I will share with you, the tens of people that might be interested. (yeah, right) That said, I thought I should give a million and a half reasons why this why I should write for Marvel. Please, partake of my crazy with me, as the proposal is guaranteed to rock Joe Quesada's face.


Hank Pym has been Giant Man

Hank Pym has been Ant Man


Has Hank Pym ever been


I think not.

Why is this important? I'll tell you why. A giant man that can create an army of GIANT ANTS is where it's at. Someone messes with Hank Pym, BOOM. GIANT ANT ARMY EATING YOUR FACE. Beautiful. This is not to say that this hasn't happened before in over 40 years of Marvel comics, but it would seem I would have known about something so awesome.

Remember that time Pym created Ultron, the killer robot that currently gave Iron Man lady parts? Yep. Remember that time Pym slapped his wife? Sure. Do you remember the time the giant ant army ate someone that looked at Hank Pym funny? Nope. But if we did, we totally would be DUDE, remember the time Pym went THEM on some fool that looked at him funny? That was AWESOME.

"My name is Hank Pym. This is Mable. Currently I'm the only one who is telling her not to eat your head for the glory of the Hive."


Bill Reed said...

I don't even care if you steal our bandwidth. I love you.

Elijah Fly said...

My bad, I'm a monkey that barely knows how to use the internets.